Minimal x86_64 Linux-only file webserver written in assembly language. This page is literate program with all service source code. Project repository and build instructions. Warning: server is not intented for production use. It may and will wreck you stuff. |
OverviewServasm is forking server, each request is processed in separate process.
This is how it was done in Mesozoic Era (except we use Main process setups listing socket with few system calls:
Then main process loops on
In a case of error we exit process with passing system call result as exit code. |
Reference material
ConstantsData section keeps all static constants that we might need during server lifetime. |
section .data |
We are going to use IPv4 and TCP as our transport. |
pf_inet: equ 2
sock_stream: equ 1 |
Our server binds to |
sockaddr: db 0x02, 0x00 ;; AFINET
db 0x1f, 0x90 ;; PORT 8080
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ;; IP
addr_len: equ 128 |
Requests timeout in 15 second. |
request_timeout: equ 15 |
Backlog is number of incoming request that kernel will buffer for us, untill we |
backlog: equ 128 |
And we are going to use |
sol_tcp: equ 6
tcp_cork: equ 3
on_state: db 0x01 |
We store strings as pair of their content and their length following right after message.
startup_error_msg: db "ERROR: Cannot start server", 10
startup_error_msg_len: equ $ - startup_error_msg |
for incoming request we restrict path to be alphanumeric plus |
url_whitelist: db "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
url_whitelist_len: equ $ - url_whitelist |
Lookup tables. |
Syscall table for x86-64. For reference look here. |
sys_write: equ 1
sys_open: equ 2
sys_close: equ 3
sys_fstat: equ 5
sys_alarm: equ 37
sys_sendfile: equ 40
sys_socket: equ 41
sys_accept: equ 43
sys_recv: equ 45
sys_bind: equ 49
sys_listen: equ 50
sys_setsockopt: equ 54
sys_fork: equ 57
sys_exit: equ 60
sys_waitid: equ 247 |
We build response headers on stack. That means that we need to push strings from last one, for example to build header:
We will push |
We use stack to build headers. string, so all headers are pushed from last character to the first one. We use |
db 0x00, 13, 10
crnl: |
Response codes |
db 0x00, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK", 13, 10
result_ok: |
db 0x00, "HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden", 13, 10
result_forbidden: |
db 0x00, "HTTP/1.0 404 File not found", 13, 10
result_not_found: |
db 0x00, "HTTP/1.0 500 OOPSIE", 13, 10
result_server_error: |
db 0x00, "HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented", 13, 10
result_unsupported_method: |
Mime Types |
We use small amout of predefined mime-types backed in source code. And support only utf-8 encoding |
db 0x00, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", 13, 10
db 0x00, "text/html; charset=UTF-8", 13, 10
db 0x00, "text/css; charset=UTF-8", 13, 10
db 0x00, "css/js; charset=UTF-8", 13, 10
db 0x00, "image/png", 13, 10
db 0x00, "image/jpeg", 13, 10
db 0x00, "application/octet-stream", 13, 10
other: |
Mime type hash table Each entry has two quad words. first quad word is product of extension ascii codes. For example:
This means that some unknown files can be served with wrong mime-type in case of hash collision. And this is okay. Repeat after me: this is okay. Second quad word — pointer to the end of matched mime.
In the case file type is uknown we serve it with |
mime_table: dq 0x18a380, txt
dq 0x8770380, html
dq 0x13fa5b, css
dq 0x2f9e, js
dq 0x135ce0, png
dq 0x12a8a0, jpg
dq 0x0, other |
Headers |
db 0x00, "Content-type: "
content_type_header: |
db 0x00, "Content-Length: "
content_length_header: |
db 0x00, "Server: servasm", 13, 10,
server_header: |
Variables |
section .bss |
We will store incoming request in buffer limited to 255 bytes. |
buffer: resb 1025
buffer_len: equ 1024
buffer_read: resb 8 |
buffer for result of |
statbuf: resb 144 |
Main server socket |
server_fd: resb 8 |
Incoming request socket |
client_fd: resb 8 |
File descriptor to be served |
file_fd: resb 8 |
Name of requested file |
filename: resb 255
filename_len: resb 8 |
Size of a file |
file_size: resb 8 |
Mime type for a file |
mime_type: resb 8 |
Source code |
section .text |
Define etry point |
global _start
_start: |
Our webserver is little more than glue code to few syscalls, actually it's amazing how much can be done only with standard system calls. Syscalls are made differently for different versions of architectures and operating systems. We restrict ourselvs to |
Main socket setup |
Call |
mov rax, sys_socket
mov rdi, pf_inet
mov rsi, sock_stream
xor rdx, rdx
syscall |
if socket was not created and syscal returned error jump to exit_error |
cmp rax, 0
js .exit_error |
If everything is fine, we store result into |
mov [server_fd], rax |
call |
mov rax, sys_setsockopt
mov rdi, [server_fd]
mov rsi, sol_tcp
mov rdx, tcp_cork
mov r10, on_state
mov r8, 8
cmp rax, 0
js .exit_error |
mov rax, sys_bind
mov rdi, [server_fd]
mov rsi, sockaddr
mov rdx, addr_len
cmp rax, 0
js .exit_error |
And call |
mov rax, sys_listen
mov rdi, [server_fd]
mov rsi, backlog
cmp rax, 0
js .exit_error |
Now socket is initialized and ready to serve clients. |
Main loop |
.accept_socket: |
mov rax, sys_accept
mov rdi, [server_fd]
xor rsi, rsi
xor rdx, rdx
cmp rax, 0
js .exit_error |
accept(2) return fd for incoming socket |
mov [client_fd], rax |
We process each child in children processes, and when they are exited, they become zombie processes.
Kernel keeps their exit code and some other state until parent process gets to it, this is called |
mov rax, sys_waitid
mov rdi, 0
mov rsi, 0
mov rdx, 0
mov r10, 4
mov r8, 0
syscall |
if returned value is >0 it means that we reaped process, and maybe there is more. So we try again. (Errors are ignored here) |
cmp rax, 0
jg .next_process |
We process incoming requests one by one, so we need to return to |
mov rax, sys_fork
syscall |
cmp rax, 0
js .exit_error |
If |
jz .process_socket |
Otherwise we are in the main process, so we close(2) client fd and jmp to accepting new client |
mov rax, sys_close
mov rdi, [client_fd]
cmp rax, 0
js .exit_error
jmp .accept_socket |
Processing client |
.process_socket: |
In child process we |
mov rax, sys_close
mov rdi, [server_fd]
cmp rax, 0
js .exit_error |
Set alarm(2) to drop slow clients.
Kernel will send |
mov rax, sys_alarm
mov rdi, request_timeout
cmp rax, 0
js .exit_error |
Parse request |
call |
mov rax, sys_recv
mov rdi, [client_fd]
mov rsi, buffer
mov rdx, buffer_len
xor r10, r10
xor r8, r8
xor r9, r9
cmp rax, 0
js .exit_error |
Our filename extracting algorithm requires that buffer ends with |
mov byte [buffer + 1 + rax], " " |
Keep bytes read count |
mov [buffer_read], rax |
For now we accept only GET requests. So we will return 501 error to clients if other request method is used in request. |
mov rax, result_unsupported_method
cmp byte [buffer], "G"
jnz .return_error
cmp byte [buffer + 1], "E"
jnz .return_error
cmp byte [buffer + 2], "T"
jnz .return_error
cmp byte [buffer + 3], " "
jnz .return_error
cmp byte [buffer + 4], "/"
jnz .return_error |
call |
call extract_filename |
call check_filename
cmp rax, 0
mov rax, result_forbidden
jne .return_error |
call |
call get_mime |
Try to |
mov rax, sys_open
mov rdi, filename
xor rsi, rsi ;; no flags
xor rdx, rdx ;; readonly
mov [file_fd], rax |
return 404 if open file fails. |
cmp rax, 0
mov rax, result_not_found
js .return_error |
call |
mov rax, sys_fstat
mov rdi, [file_fd]
mov rsi, statbuf
cmp rax, 0
mov rax, result_server_error
js .return_error
mov rax, [statbuf + 48]
mov [file_size], rax |
Write responseafter request has been parsed and file found, we start writing response. |
.write_response: |
read request from socket |
call read_full_request |
Write headers with |
call write_headers
cmp rax, 0
js .exit_error |
We use |
mov rax, sys_sendfile
mov rdi, [client_fd]
mov rsi, [file_fd]
xor rdx, rdx
mov r10, [file_size]
syscall ;; ignore errors |
mov rax, sys_close
mov rdi, [client_fd]
syscall ;; ignore errors |
and |
mov rax, sys_close
mov rdi, [file_fd]
syscall ;; ignore errors |
and finally |
xor rax, rax
jmp .exit |
Error handling |
.return_error: |
Write error response headers and body to client socket |
call write_error_response |
and |
mov rax, sys_close
mov rdi, [client_fd]
.exit_error: |
mov rax, sys_write
mov rdi, 2 ; stderr
mov rsi, startup_error_msg
mov rdx, startup_error_msg_len
syscall |
set error code to 1 |
mov rax, 1
.exit: |
call |
mov rdi, rax
mov rax, sys_exit
syscall |
Procedures |
Extract Mime Type |
We use |
mov rax, 1
mov rcx, [filename_len]
dec rcx |
calculate mime_hash using algorithm in Mime Types section. |
xor rdx, rdx
mov dl, [filename + rcx]
cmp dl, "."
je .get_mime_hash_done
mul rdx
dec rcx
cmp rcx, 0
je .get_mime_hash_done
jmp .get_mime_hash
mov rcx, 0 |
Find pointer to Mime Type using |
mov r11, [mime_table + rcx]
cmp r11, rax
je .get_mime_pointer_done
cmp r11, 0
je .get_mime_pointer_done
add rcx, 16
jmp .get_mime_get_pointer
mov rdi, [mime_table + rcx + 8] |
and store it to |
mov [mime_type], rdi
ret |
Write headerswrite 200 OK response and some headers to client socket |
write_headers: |
We will be using stack as buffer for response headers instead of making multiple write calls on socket. |
save stack top to temporary register |
mov rbp, rsp |
mov rcx, -1 |
first we push end of headers ( |
mov rsi, crnl
call push_string
mov rsi, crnl
call push_string |
push |
mov rax, [file_size]
call push_int
mov rsi, content_length_header
call push_string |
push |
mov rsi, [mime_type]
call push_string
mov rsi, content_type_header
call push_string |
push server name ( |
mov rsi, server_header
call push_string |
Push |
mov rsi, result_ok
call push_string |
calculate start headers adress on stack |
mov rbx, rcx
add rbx, rsp
inc rbx |
restore stack state |
mov rsp, rbp |
calculate length of headers |
sub rbp, rbx |
write(2) headers |
mov rax, sys_write
mov rdi, [client_fd]
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdx, rbp
ret |
Write error responsewrite response headers and body to client fd expects rax to point to end of error response code string |
mov r11, rax |
read request from socket |
call read_full_request |
look |
write end of request |
mov rbp, rsp
mov rcx, -1
mov rsi, crnl
call push_string |
write request body |
mov rsi, r11
call push_string |
write body | headers separator |
mov rsi, crnl
call push_string |
write request header |
mov rsi, r11
call push_string |
calculate start headers adress on stack |
mov rbx, rcx
add rbx, rsp
inc rbx |
restore stack state |
mov rsp, rbp |
mov rax, sys_write
mov rdi, [client_fd]
mov rsi, rbx
sub rbp, rbx
dec rbp
mov rdx, rbp
syscall ;; ignore errors
ret |
push string
If push string is called multiple times it will form continious string on the stack.
For Example, two calls with rcx -1 |
push_string: |
remove return address from the stack
and store it to |
pop rdx |
we use |
mov al, 0x00
.push_string_next: |
if we have no free bytes on stack
add 8 bytes and change |
cmp rcx, -1
jne .push_string_write
push 0
mov rcx, 7
.push_string_write: |
move string to stack starting from string end until |
dec rsi
mov rbx, [rsi]
cmp al, bl
je .push_string_ret
mov byte [rsp + rcx], bl
dec rcx
jmp .push_string_next
.push_string_ret: |
restore stack |
push rdx
ret |
Push intconverts rax to string and calls push_string on it |
push_int: |
remove return address from the stack
and store it to |
pop rdi |
we convert integer value to sequence of characters with base 10 and push each character with |
mov r8, rax
mov rax, r8
xor rdx, rdx
mov r11, 10
div r11
mov r8, rax
add dl, 48
mov rsi, rsp
sub rsi, 8
mov byte [rsi - 1], dl
mov byte [rsi - 2], 0x00
call push_string
cmp r8, 0
je .push_int_ret
jmp .push_int_next
.push_int_ret: |
restore stack |
push rdi
ret |
Read rest of requestSpec requires us to read full request with headers before we can send response. |
read_full_request: |
We kept amout of read from socket in |
mov rax, [buffer_read] |
We check that last bytes recieved from client were |
cmp byte [buffer + rax - 1], 10
jne .read_more_from_client_socket
cmp byte [buffer + rax - 2], 13
jne .read_more_from_client_socket
cmp byte [buffer + rax - 3], 10
jne .read_more_from_client_socket
cmp byte [buffer + rax - 4], 13
jne .read_more_from_client_socket
ret |
if not we |
mov rax, sys_recv
mov rdi, [client_fd]
mov rsi, buffer
mov rdx, buffer_len
xor r10, r10
xor r8, r8
xor r9, r9
jmp .check_buffer |
Extract filenamefills filename and filename_len variables based on request buffer content. |
extract_filename: |
we expect only get request in buffer, so filename should start with fitth character, after |
mov rsi, buffer + 5
mov rdi, filename
xor rcx, rcx |
We copy characters from buffer untill we see |
cmp byte [rsi], " "
jz .extract_filename_check_index
cmp byte [rsi], "?"
jz .extract_filename_check_index
jmp .extract_filename_next_char |
If filename is empty (client requested |
mov rcx, rdi
sub rcx, filename
cmp rcx, 0
jnz .extract_filename_done
mov rax, ""
mov [filename ], rax
mov rax, "ml"
mov [filename + 8], rax
mov rcx, 10
mov [filename_len], rcx
ret |
Check filenameChecks that filename is safe to |
mov rsi, -1 |
First check |
inc rsi
mov byte al, [filename + rsi]
cmp rsi, [filename_len]
jz .check_filename_whitelist_ok
mov rdi, url_whitelist
mov rcx, url_whitelist_len
repne scasb
je .check_filename_whitelist
jmp .check_filename_return_error
mov rcx, [filename_len] |
First that filename doesn't contain |
dec rcx
cmp word [filename + rcx], ".."
je .check_filename_return_error
cmp rcx, 0
je .check_filename_return_success
jmp .check_filename_double_dot
xor rax, rax
mov rax, 1
ret |
Known issues
LicenseCopyright (c) 2015 Vladimir Terekhov Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. |